Monday, March 06, 2006

There's a drive on to enroll people for the "Bangalore Graduate Constituency". This would apparently qualify to elect a representative to the legislative assembly(or at least, that's the goal). Sounds good! But a little exclusivist, don't you think? Well, I'm just an opinionated guy sitting on the sidelines, so let me place on record that I hope the organisers of this drive acheive their objectives. For an "educated voters constituency drive", the request for enrolment was surprisingly short of details on how they planned to acheive their aim(whether it was permissible under the constitution etc.).

I at least have an idea for improvement of driving conditions. In India, the convention on the road is that if you flash your headlights, you're warning the oncoming traffic that you're planning to steamroll ahead. This could lead to a dangerous misunderstanding: both could flash simultaneously and could forge ahead until they are too close for comfort. This also breeds agressiveness in drivers. I say lets invert this convention: from now on, anyone flashes their lights, they're telling oncoming traffic "You come on, I'll give way!". This way, people also cultivate the habit of providing "space" to others voluntarily, and also they can feel good aboud themselves for having done something of a good samaritan act.

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