Saturday, July 30, 2005

I'm always full of opinions, and I say to myself that I can express them pretty well to others, but its pretty surprising how I find very little to write about in my blog. Is it because my life is pretty dull and uninteresting? Perhaps. Or maybe this will change if I jot down my thoughts as they occur so that I can post them later.

Anyway, since my last update, I've rediscovered the pleasures of using private transport(selfish me, so hang me for it ;-P), and travel by car on my H-O-H route. It saves me a lot of time, and allows me to spend some time working out at the nearby gym.

I also have other longings: to be able to play the violin really well, and to make a difference in the life of a few less-fortunate people. I think I should be able to do both, but just don't know when.

I discovered "stumbleupon" recently, and really love it. To me, it brings home the beauty of the internet in a way I've not experienced before. Instead of wondering what to search for, and only chancing upon some good sites, this is a neat way of navigating your way thru the riff-raff on the net. But again, there's just too many more sites than I can do justice to ever...